Elder Moulton arrived home on Tuesday evening, July 25th at 7:20 pm. He had a huge crowd waiting for him! We all cried as we welcomed him home! He will be heading off to school in a month - can't wait to hear about his new adventures!
Elder Taylor Moulton
And his many adventures in Barcelona, Spain
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Week 99: It's the end of my world as I know it....but there's ice cream so it's ok!
Well, this is the last one.
It's been a crazy, long and fantastic two years as an el faro
missionary. Feels sort of like I'm writing my obituary, but like I said
we bought ice cream today so it's worth it. With only 6 more days in
my area before heading to the mission home, I've had lots of time to
reflect on what the mission has taught me. I won't bore you with
details, but those things are, and are not limited to; humility,
patience, hard work, love for random strangers, how to live with
someone 24/7, fighting off sin, how not to fall going up the stairs,
how to testify, how to eat fufu without burning my fingers or my soul,
how not to be force fed beer in a metro, how to hug anyone, how to
study the scriptures, how to play soccer, how to get through security,
how to run to our piso without throwing up the food from an eating visit,
how to pray, I could go on. But more than anything I know that God is
my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ is my savior, we are on the Lord's
team, and that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God.
In terms of missionary work we are beginning to see the fruits of our
labors with the area Book. We've had 5 people we've begun teaching as
we've transferred the paper registros to the iPad. One of them was
Delfina, an older woman from Guinea Ecuatorial who's been tough to
crack at (she's very catholic), but tomorrow we'll see how she is.
Cristina has been interested in getting baptized, the only thing
holding her back now are our beliefs on gay marriage. She's not into
that, even after using the scriptures, videos and several things to
help her out. While she prays in visits, she still hasn't done it
in-between. We're praying that our family home evening changes that. A
miracle we've seen was finding a friend Virgilio in the street after
losing his number. We were doing calls in a plaza near our piso when
he just sat down next to us and began to talk. We hadn't talked in
over a week! The Lord helps us out even in our weaknesses.
Also we gave a blessing to Veronica, the daughter of that less active
who had demons, who said Veronica was possessed. She isn't, but she
does have some multi personality disorder. Work in progress.
And we met crazy Katie. She also is fun, a Jehovah's witness with
lots of questions. Later found out that she's in the mental clinic at
night. Who says mission life is boring, but we teach everyone.
Elder Downing and I have had a good run, lots of work on our part, and
we've seen a change here just for that. I'm so grateful for his
perspective he has on life as a missionary. It's helped me prepare to
leave, even though it's been tough emotionally to handle, and I've
been helped to be a better missionary because of it. My goal this week
is to keep my mind in the work, focusing on the zone and finishing off
strong this transfer after a harder week last week.
I love and miss you all, and hope to see all of you on the other side!
🇪🇸🌴Elder Taylor Moulton🌲🇪🇸
It's been a crazy, long and fantastic two years as an el faro
missionary. Feels sort of like I'm writing my obituary, but like I said
we bought ice cream today so it's worth it. With only 6 more days in
my area before heading to the mission home, I've had lots of time to
reflect on what the mission has taught me. I won't bore you with
details, but those things are, and are not limited to; humility,
patience, hard work, love for random strangers, how to live with
someone 24/7, fighting off sin, how not to fall going up the stairs,
how to testify, how to eat fufu without burning my fingers or my soul,
how not to be force fed beer in a metro, how to hug anyone, how to
study the scriptures, how to play soccer, how to get through security,
how to run to our piso without throwing up the food from an eating visit,
how to pray, I could go on. But more than anything I know that God is
my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ is my savior, we are on the Lord's
team, and that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God.
In terms of missionary work we are beginning to see the fruits of our
labors with the area Book. We've had 5 people we've begun teaching as
we've transferred the paper registros to the iPad. One of them was
Delfina, an older woman from Guinea Ecuatorial who's been tough to
crack at (she's very catholic), but tomorrow we'll see how she is.
Cristina has been interested in getting baptized, the only thing
holding her back now are our beliefs on gay marriage. She's not into
that, even after using the scriptures, videos and several things to
help her out. While she prays in visits, she still hasn't done it
in-between. We're praying that our family home evening changes that. A
miracle we've seen was finding a friend Virgilio in the street after
losing his number. We were doing calls in a plaza near our piso when
he just sat down next to us and began to talk. We hadn't talked in
over a week! The Lord helps us out even in our weaknesses.
Also we gave a blessing to Veronica, the daughter of that less active
who had demons, who said Veronica was possessed. She isn't, but she
does have some multi personality disorder. Work in progress.
And we met crazy Katie. She also is fun, a Jehovah's witness with
lots of questions. Later found out that she's in the mental clinic at
night. Who says mission life is boring, but we teach everyone.
Elder Downing and I have had a good run, lots of work on our part, and
we've seen a change here just for that. I'm so grateful for his
perspective he has on life as a missionary. It's helped me prepare to
leave, even though it's been tough emotionally to handle, and I've
been helped to be a better missionary because of it. My goal this week
is to keep my mind in the work, focusing on the zone and finishing off
strong this transfer after a harder week last week.
I love and miss you all, and hope to see all of you on the other side!
🇪🇸🌴Elder Taylor Moulton🌲🇪🇸
That's the Prince of Saudi Arabia's yacht by the way
Kebab pizza - it's chicken, but magical. Really I don't know how to describe it, like an ice cream cone of meatloaf thawed using a butane stove. But it's delicious!
Roller blading for P-day!
Not shabby!
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Week 98: Happy Birthday to me, it's sweaty, and Mercadona Carts!
Hello family and friends!
Missionary work on Mallorca is the best,
these island people are just so strange and interesting, but I love
it. My week included, but was not limited to, having extremely good
luck in soccer on Saturday, having a lesson with this girl Cristina
with President Dayton(she talked so much, we had a good time haha),
running around Palma with a Mercadona shopping cart preparing for zone
conference by buying water and all these other things, running across
town because we were late to get home(we are so strange as a mission,
if we are going to get home after 10, we run. At least we don't get
fat). It was a fantastic Zone Conference on prayer, teaching with the
Holy Ghost(as Elder Holland says, if you don't have the Spirit with
you, you are forbidden to teach. Direct, but true). Today for my
birthday we went shopping and bought rootbeer for rootbeer floats
Other than that just a bunch of interesting lessons with some very
unique sons and daughters of God. Sadly, time doesn't permit me do
elaborate, but pronto I'll explain that. Missionary work’s the best!
Love you all!
Elder Taylor Moulton
The view from a members home - can't beat that sunset!
Bottomless pit next to the building we were knocking
Sport Saturday
Good old Palma shopping
Zone Conference
Yes, thats an African sticker on my journal!
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Week 97: Zone Leader Conference
Summary, I've flown 4
times in 4 days, had an intercambio in Inca, and
Christiana believes in God. Miracles are real.
Christiana believes in God. Miracles are real.
Visiting the home of a very rich British less active
Zone Leader Concilio
Elder Chin Ah Yous' fish!
Palma alcohol
Barcelona Leadership meeting
Fourth of July BBQ with the Hutchings, Hermana Dayton's brother and sister-in-law
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Week 96: The Possessed Woman Invites us to Dinner, Shirtless Russians, and Anime!
Hello family,
Sorry it's been tough focusing today in emails. Realized today that I
have less than one month until I'm home. That's my trunky comment for
day, so that's that.
Quick miracle follow up, the possessed daughter from last week,
Veronica, just called us to thank us for blessing the house, and now
they're inviting us to dinner. She said that the blessing brought so
much peace to the house that was never their before (mainly due to
their wiji board they used years ago). But now all’s good, it's amazing
the power of prayer. Knock on wood I really hope we don't have to burn
a wiji board this week.
The works progressing well. We found a young lady named Christina
while door knocking. She's 18, Spanish, and has some severe physical
disabilities. And she likes anime. I don't really know what anime is.
I can't read right to left. Therefore I've learned a lot about Japanese
culture this week. But she's got a very outspoken personality and is
atheist so we were a bit nervous to begin teaching her. But after she
read on Mormon.org about our church services, she wanted to come, so
she did! She loved the meetings, is now friends with another JAS, is
going to sing in the JAS choir, and we’re having a family home evening
this week with her. She still says she's unsure about God existing,
but we're certain the spirits working hard on her.
Yesterday in the more humble side of our area as the Spanish people
would say (aka the ghetto). We knocked on the door of a Russian man
named Willy. Just wearing a towel, he'd come out of prison about forty
years ago, is almost 90, doesn't believe in God but still proceeded to
tell us his life story about Cuba and a bunch of other things. We left
thinking, well that what happens when you contact in that part of
Also taught a Mali man about Jesus Christ. His name is Paul. He might be of
Muslim heritage, but he listened, is coming to church this week, has a
daughter that we're going to meet, and yea. The Muslims are coming
into the gospel in Spain. Also lesson learned, if you teach on a
slanted bench, be prepared to slide up next to your friends without
Other highlights, visited the island of Menorca on an intercambio on a
small jet plane. My old companion Elder Bowles just left when I got
there so it was fun to catch up with his trainee there. Today we
climbed to Castle Bellver, hot and had good views of Palma. Next week
I'll email the Fourth of July with pics of our Fourth of July BBQ with
the senior couple and the missionaries of Mallorca.
Love and miss you all!
🇪🇸🌴Elder Taylor Moulton🌲🇪🇸
Sorry it's been tough focusing today in emails. Realized today that I
have less than one month until I'm home. That's my trunky comment for
day, so that's that.
Quick miracle follow up, the possessed daughter from last week,
Veronica, just called us to thank us for blessing the house, and now
they're inviting us to dinner. She said that the blessing brought so
much peace to the house that was never their before (mainly due to
their wiji board they used years ago). But now all’s good, it's amazing
the power of prayer. Knock on wood I really hope we don't have to burn
a wiji board this week.
The works progressing well. We found a young lady named Christina
while door knocking. She's 18, Spanish, and has some severe physical
disabilities. And she likes anime. I don't really know what anime is.
I can't read right to left. Therefore I've learned a lot about Japanese
culture this week. But she's got a very outspoken personality and is
atheist so we were a bit nervous to begin teaching her. But after she
read on Mormon.org about our church services, she wanted to come, so
she did! She loved the meetings, is now friends with another JAS, is
going to sing in the JAS choir, and we’re having a family home evening
this week with her. She still says she's unsure about God existing,
but we're certain the spirits working hard on her.
Yesterday in the more humble side of our area as the Spanish people
would say (aka the ghetto). We knocked on the door of a Russian man
named Willy. Just wearing a towel, he'd come out of prison about forty
years ago, is almost 90, doesn't believe in God but still proceeded to
tell us his life story about Cuba and a bunch of other things. We left
thinking, well that what happens when you contact in that part of
Also taught a Mali man about Jesus Christ. His name is Paul. He might be of
Muslim heritage, but he listened, is coming to church this week, has a
daughter that we're going to meet, and yea. The Muslims are coming
into the gospel in Spain. Also lesson learned, if you teach on a
slanted bench, be prepared to slide up next to your friends without
Other highlights, visited the island of Menorca on an intercambio on a
small jet plane. My old companion Elder Bowles just left when I got
there so it was fun to catch up with his trainee there. Today we
climbed to Castle Bellver, hot and had good views of Palma. Next week
I'll email the Fourth of July with pics of our Fourth of July BBQ with
the senior couple and the missionaries of Mallorca.
Love and miss you all!
🇪🇸🌴Elder Taylor Moulton🌲🇪🇸
Elder Chin ay you is from Tahiti, so he does this well!
Preparation Day hike to the Castle Bellver
Palma from the little plane I took!
Menorca - went there on an intercambio
Sport Saturdays!
Our Street!
Monday, June 19, 2017
Week 95: Demons, Them Hot Breezes, Italian Seventy, and Valldemossa!
Hola familia!
It has been a week let me tell you. I've been tossed across the
country, on an island in the middle of the sea, with my companion and
16 others to share the gospel here. It's the best.
First off, my companion is Elder Downing, from Temecula, California,
has lots of energy and likes to have fun. So yes we've had fun here.
It's hot. Like about 90 or so with some humid ocean breezes. Adds a
nice layer of shiny sweat to ones head as you talk to strangers in
doorways in Spanish. Some days I must look ready to pass out! I drink
more than two liters a day of water so that shouldn't be a problem.
But you know what I'm already getting tan so tender mercy.
This weekend we had a district conference (for the Baleares district)
with Elder Dini Ciacci of the seventy (super funny, and very direct.) I
don't know how he did it, but he bluntly told us that we're failing in
our branch councils and in keeping the commandments to the full ways,
and we still felt loved by him. That's impressive. We had a hilarious
play of branch council during the adult session. The best part is that
he only speaks English, so it was made funnier as his translator
worked to help the congregation and group understand him.
Maria. Take this, we have a cita cancel on us, we walk towards a park
to do some calls (my first night on the island mind you), and this lady
calls us over. Long story short, she was Maria. Baptized twenty years
earlier along with her whole family, but then went inactive for
reasons we’re still working on. Her daughter after getting into drugs 7
years ago has gotten quite messed up, and because of that her home
where Veronica the daughter and Maria live had some bad influences.
Thanks to the lord helping us be there at an hour when she was, we
were able to bless the house, get rid of any bad spirits, and give her
a blessing of comfort. The house is good, and now she can come back to
Other than that, good week, lots of fun Spanish people (here they're
called Mallorquins), and people from Paraguay.
and miss you all! D.C. 1:36,
it's true.It has been a week let me tell you. I've been tossed across the
country, on an island in the middle of the sea, with my companion and
16 others to share the gospel here. It's the best.
First off, my companion is Elder Downing, from Temecula, California,
has lots of energy and likes to have fun. So yes we've had fun here.
It's hot. Like about 90 or so with some humid ocean breezes. Adds a
nice layer of shiny sweat to ones head as you talk to strangers in
doorways in Spanish. Some days I must look ready to pass out! I drink
more than two liters a day of water so that shouldn't be a problem.
But you know what I'm already getting tan so tender mercy.
This weekend we had a district conference (for the Baleares district)
with Elder Dini Ciacci of the seventy (super funny, and very direct.) I
don't know how he did it, but he bluntly told us that we're failing in
our branch councils and in keeping the commandments to the full ways,
and we still felt loved by him. That's impressive. We had a hilarious
play of branch council during the adult session. The best part is that
he only speaks English, so it was made funnier as his translator
worked to help the congregation and group understand him.
Maria. Take this, we have a cita cancel on us, we walk towards a park
to do some calls (my first night on the island mind you), and this lady
calls us over. Long story short, she was Maria. Baptized twenty years
earlier along with her whole family, but then went inactive for
reasons we’re still working on. Her daughter after getting into drugs 7
years ago has gotten quite messed up, and because of that her home
where Veronica the daughter and Maria live had some bad influences.
Thanks to the lord helping us be there at an hour when she was, we
were able to bless the house, get rid of any bad spirits, and give her
a blessing of comfort. The house is good, and now she can come back to
Other than that, good week, lots of fun Spanish people (here they're
called Mallorquins), and people from Paraguay.
🇪🇸🌴Elder Taylor Moulton🌲🇪🇸
Valldemossa is one of the prettiest villages in Mallorca
Facetime District Meeting
Anton! A convert from Ibiza who my last companions very close to
Valldemossa with the Palma missionaries
Dancing in the plaza
Welcome to Mallorca!
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