Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Week 91: Gypsies Smell Funny, Joseph Smith Senior in the bath, and "Crazy People"!

Hello mi tribu,

Pues, una semana extraña, como siempre, entonces me voy a begin with
some miracles.

After a week spent trying to find anyone to listen, this weekend we've
been witnesses to many miracles of finding. On Saturday, we were
teaching Patrick (Spanish African man, who's in the military), one of
the old investigators from the hermanas, and had the chance to share
the video of the restoration with him and his son Ivan. They both
attended the Sunday session of conference, and left feeling good.
We'll be teaching them both this week. We also received two references
from a former investigator when she showed up in the park when we were
teaching a less active. We taught one, Stanley, just after, who's from
Nigeria. He has been here 8 months, and has been looking for a
Christian church to join (that wasn't the Catholic Church), and when
this lady, Nona, told him about us, he sent here to find us. Still
don't know how she found us at that park, but to me it's a miracle.

Sadly, Daniel has disappeared for a bit. We're still looking, we have
faith! He's the one we took to the baptism last week. Spanish people
can't run too far so we'll find him soon. He lives down our street.

Spent this weekend in the Magdalena (cupcake) - a Barrio here in
Zaragoza. It's filled with gypsies, Spaniards, and some interesting
folk, but they're very open to the gospel (expect the evangelical
preachers and the Jehovah's Witnesses). That's where we found Stanley.
Also found a man who's what he calls a "testigo of Catulum", which in
his words is god without hell. Aka no consequences. That's the kind of
person you find knocking doors at 9:30.

Had a visit with our friends Fatu and Moises, a couple from Mali. On
ending the video of the restoration, she had only two questions, one
of which, "why are they taking a bath at the end?(Joseph smith senior
getting baptized)". Well, that's baptism. She's Muslim and didn't know
what that was. But hey, questions are good. Can't invite her to be
baptized without knowing what it is.

Elder Lattin and I are having fun though. Lots of rejection, and a
ward that's got a bit of drama, but the days aren't boring. We had a
great stake conference where our mission president spoke, talked about
Joseph smith and invited all young men to go on missions. The other
talks were good too. Spanish people like I said say it how it is, so
there's no guessing with what they want us to do.

Other than that, feeling good. We played basketball with the other
missionaries in Zaragoza, and ate at Burger King. Best day ever.

Love and miss you all! Take your time in your prayers to, "talk to your
Heavenly Father" as a great zone leader once said.

🇪🇸🌴Elder Taylor Moulton🌲🇪🇸

 Plaza Del Pilar
 We used Amazon Spain to send him some goodies!

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